Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Sprites I made with some help of putting over

Hey yall. I decieded to put in the Armors from X4-5 in MegaMan X: Ties That Bind. And I wanted to show you the sprites I'm working on. Turns out, I have to put ripped sprites over the current sprites due to some advice i found on the web. Special thanks to Myownpath and Mamaluigi'sbagel for making the original battle animations and inspiring me to make X4-5 Armor battle animations! Note that the sprites I used are not mine and I just found them on the web. So don't complain! The falcon charged shot could use some work, I hope to fix it soon. As for those who whine and complain that I stole it, I didn't steal it. I found them on sites that have resouces or one of my RPG Maker 2003 friends, persoanly Myownpath said I can use them, so stop complaining!

Also, if you have a problem with the game i'm making, or what I'm doing to the spirtes that people own, then don't read.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

First Pics of the intro to MMX:TTB

Hello all and happy Thanksgiving! I am happy to announce the first pics of the intro to MMX:TTB! Be warned that they're not that good, so please be gentle.

First one is X in his room.

Second is Douglas' invention, the Dimensional Warp going out of control and sending X, Zero and Axl to Gensokyo.

And finally, we see X meeting Reimu and Marisa outside the Harekai Shrine.

So hopefully that will give you a taste of what's coming once I get back on this project and I'll probarly get a demo of the first 5 levels up and running next year. So see you then and I hope you enjoyed the screenshots! :D

Note that the sprites and chipsets used in the screenshots are not mine and go to their respected creators, all characters and series are owned by Capcom and ZUN, please support this disclaimer.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Hello again, everyone!

You were wondering about those comments I made two days ago? Well, a troll named Windspurple started coming here and causing trouble, I'm doing my best to keep this blog a clean and safe blog. As Protodude told me, trolls are a part of nature. So don't listen to Windspurple.

Again, I'm sorry about the comments cause I'm fighting and winning against windspurple.

In next month, I will post my first screenshots of my MMX/Touhou project, so please be paitence till then. Thank you! :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Taking a break

I have an annoucment, I will be taking a break from making this game to continue writing my fanfiction.

But don't worry! I will be back someday to work on this soon to be awesome game which I hope will turn out well.

So HeroManX, signing out for now!