Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Hello again, everyone!

You were wondering about those comments I made two days ago? Well, a troll named Windspurple started coming here and causing trouble, I'm doing my best to keep this blog a clean and safe blog. As Protodude told me, trolls are a part of nature. So don't listen to Windspurple.

Again, I'm sorry about the comments cause I'm fighting and winning against windspurple.

In next month, I will post my first screenshots of my MMX/Touhou project, so please be paitence till then. Thank you! :)


  1. You too? This means war. AMIR MUST PAY FOR HIS TROLLING! D<
    Also, I'm looking forward to the screenshot. ^_^

  2. @Enzan

    Thanks man. Thanks for your support.

    If you like, you can help out with my Project once I regain my intrest in it. :D

  3. I could help with, um... Closed Alpha Testing? :'D

  4. @Enzan

    Thanks. Be sure to tell someone about this game I'm working and see if they can help out with it. I can't do this alone! :D

  5. What do you need help with? I know alot of people who could help you... oh, and do you have MSN? :D If so, comment on my blog entry with it. It will be put in Moderation, so it won't be posted. XD kthnx X3
